The following services take place during an average week.


10:30am Worship St Andrews
10:30am Eucharist St Chad’s
11am Worship St Clement’s Meet for tea and toast at 10:30am

Midweek Services

First Tuesday in the month10:30amEucharistSt Chad’s
Third Thursday in the month9:30amEucharistSt Clement’s
Fourth Wednesday in the month7:15pmBenefice Prayer MeetingSt Clement’s
Second and Fourth Fridays in the month10:15amEucharistSt Andrew’s

Morning Prayer

Mondays 9:30am Online
Thursdays, except the third week of the month 9:30am Online


10:30am – Eucharist at St Chad’s

10:30am – Worship at St Andrew’s

11am – Worship at St Clement’s
Meet for tea and toast at 10:30am

Midweek Services

First Tuesday of the month, 10:30am – Eucharist at St Chad’s

Third Wednesday of the month, 7:30pm – Benefice Prayer Meeting at St Clement’s

Third Thursday of the month, 9:30am – Eucharist at St Clement’s

Second and Fourth Fridays of the month, 10:15am – Eucharist at St Andrew’s